It's been about 5 years since I've been back to my second home of San Francisco, California. After 7 days in Long Beach I was really looking forwards to getting back to the city and seeing my family and my home away from Hawaii. Nick and I flew in from Long Beach and met up with my man Marlon who flew in from Hawaii. The plan was to eat, drink, BBQ, hang out with Dave, my brother Jason and his family, my friends Mike, Mary, Caesar, and Scott, and whatever else happens...happens. Oh yeah and I wanted to make sure that my brothers Marlon and Nick had an unforgettable weekend in SF! We set Saturday aside for the BBQ at my mom and Dave's casa. My friend Mary and her husband Caesar were driving down from Chico and my friend Scott and his girl Masara were driving down from Sacramento. Dave's son Adrian and daughter Lizette were driving down from Antioch and Nick's aunty Irene was coming from across the bay from Berkley. As you can see word has gotten out about the famous Shakas x Alohas BBQ and now we've got people driving from all over to experience how we do it in Hawaii!!! Dave added to the BBQ and prepared some unbelievably ono mexican style dishes. Braddah was running back and fourth to Oakland to get all the meats (goat, lengua, and carne asada) as well as fresh corn, red rice, beans, and molcajete (salsa). This was a true collaboration of flavors between my island style BBQ and Dave's mexican cuisine! All I know was the beer was going down easy and everybody was getting their grind on. Everybody was coming back for seconds and thirds! I was as happy as could be watching my nephews and nieces enjoying the pool and my friends and family all together having a good time!

Dave boiling the lengua in seasoning for the soon to be tacos de lengua!

Pure goodness going on in the bubbling water!

"Husk that corn Marlon no one eats for free around here!"

Chamorro style ribs!

"No pee in da pool eh braddah!"

"Did uncle Marlon really pee in the pool!"'s what's for dinner!

Casa de Alcala y Chmolack

Teri short ribs and the SXA lei sticks!

There's some carne asada in there on the lower right side!

Kymani and the corn!


My friends Caesar and his beautiful wife Mary drove all the way from Chico for the BBQ! You guys rule!

My highschool buddy Scott and his lovely lady Masara drove all the way from Sacramento!

My bro Jason and my extended family Adrian, Lizette, and Sara drove down from Antioch!

Big Mahalos goes out to David Alcala for the unbelievable hospitality. I appreciate you taking care of me and my compadres and showing alot of Aloha! This will be a very memorable experience for years to come and hopefully we can do this again next year!