Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sancho's Homecoming BBQ

After a year of living in the Afghan desert protecting our country Sancho is back! This past Saturday Dyson and his ohana held a backyard style bbq to celebrate this special occassion. Instead of it being a surprise bbq for Sancho it was the opposite. Dyson kept tight lipped about Sancho being home so when everyone showed up it was one of those WHAAATTT!!! type moments. Sancho has been to Korea, South Carolina, and Afghanistan over the past couple years. He's gotten married, became a father, and fought in a war during this time. I've known him ever since he was 15 years old and have watched this kid grow into a man whose accomplished alot of great things in such a short period of time. I'd like to say that we're all proud of him and glad that he's back home safely here in Hawaii.