This past weekend our crew got together to celebrate my brother and sis baby shower. Goodtimes as usual was had by all. Mahalos to Jody for sharing her space with us and to all that showed up and made the shower possible. This was my first ever babyshower considering they are usually for ladies only. Not this one!
Big ups to Sablan on putting the finishing touches on the cake. It was good!

Ask Nick how good it was

Can't have a baby shower without a bbq grill.

What the hell is Marsh doing in the background? Looks like he shart his pants!

Like I said before I've never been to a shower before. The girls had some plans for the guys with some fun and games. The object of the game was to put your weiner in the cup but I don't know what the contestants got for completing the objective. Check out their's......

and check out mine!!!!

Daddy to be and Sablan the cake man.

Momma to be on the right. Sorry Nicole (the camerman was drunk)!

what a view

Game #2 involved feeding your partner a vanilla pudding while blind folded without making a mess.
The youngsters managed quite well...

so did momma and daddy.....

Marsh on the other hand seemed to have some problems!!!!

Marsh is such a trooper I tell you. It's always goodtimes with this guy!

Game #3 Suck the Newcastle out of the baby's bottle as fast you can. Being that Red Boy is a daddy and is no stranger to nipples he had the technique down.

Suck em' up boys!

This here is a great shot of Red Boy and his 6 month old baby boy. This guy is a beast!

Ray and Rayden

After all the fun and games and a ton of food the kids went down for the count along with Uncle Tony.

Mahalos once again to Jody, Natasha, and the fam for putting together a wonderful party.