Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why did the rooster cross the road?

Saw this guy cross Moanalua Rd today during the lunch time rush hour.
He just casually walked in the crosswalk without incident as if this
was normal. Why did the rooster cross the road? This guy said "because
had one chic on da other side"!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Frank Delima - Filipino Christmas - The Art of Aloha

Merry Christmas to all my Pilipino priends and pamily!!!
Check out this video on YouTube:

Rod Chmolack
Blue Hawaii Surf / Eighty Four Skate Co.
1216 Kaumualii St.
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The aftermath!

Youngs Fishmarket Kalihi

Broke da mouth today for lunch. Now I get kanak attack and I still got
alot of work to do. I guessthat postpones any Xmas shopping that needs
to be handled. Sorry if you get your presents a couple days late. You
can blame it on Youngs Lau Lau plate side order shoyu poke with one
medium fruit punch!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Kevin Ancell "Hula Gun"

This beauty will be posting up at Blue Hawaii Surf Pearlridge!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

View from the Reef house

Gotta see it in person to appreciate it. Been here the majority of my
life and the view is like seeing a different part of Hawaii for the
first time.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Things to be thankful for:
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Living in Hawaii
4. Health
5. Harley Davidson!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This poor guy....

Was being carried around in a purse. Parks said he'd be stoked to be
carried in this particular persons purse!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Steve Maule

This is one of my best friends from El Paso Texas. Steve a.k.a. Biff a.k.a. Beuford T. Justice grew up skateboarding, tinkering with any mechanical, blowing up stuff, and shooting large caliber firearms! We used to do all this together and a ton more. I haven't seen Steve in probably 10 years. I get a call from him about a week ago saying that's he's laying over in Hawaii for about 6 hours before heading to Manilla do some contract work. We went to Duke's in Waikiki had their breakfast buffet and got caught up, had a few laughs and reminesced about the good ol days.


This is my friend Marlene. She's one of if not the best custom painter on the island. She knows her stuff and takes pride in what she does. I asked her if she could come down to the new shop we were about to open a paint a custom sign for our shop front. I wanted the sign done up in gold leaf with black outline. That's exactly what she did and it turned out insane! Marlene's work complemented the custom store front design and actually made it even more rad! If you're in the market for a custom paint job whether it be a chop, rod, helmet, whatever checkout Marlene at Mahalos Marlene!

Mooneyes Yokohama Hot Rod Custom Show 2010

How rad is this!!! Shit wish I could check it out, but in the meantime I'll be stuck here in Hawaii bbq-ing on the beach thinking about all the rad chops and rods that are going to be at this show!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Corvette Summer!

Does anyone remember that movie starring Luke Skywalker? It was a rad
movie with alot of killer custom Vettes and Vans. Anyways this is the
exact Vette my uncle had in SF back in 78' maybe earlier maybe later.
This is pretty much what they looked like off the showroom floor. My
kids would be like WTF is that!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy 5 Fitted Hawaii !!!!!

This past Saturday Fitted Hawaii celebrated their 5th year of serving Hawaii. Fitted a first of it's kind here in Hawaii was started by Rene "Cuzzo" Matthysen and Keola Rapoza along with their loyal team of friends and fam. Perpetuating true Hawaiian culture and blending it with street culture and customizing, designing, and adding their own twist into Fitted caps, tees, and other fine products. These guys are truly in a league of their own. Congrats to Fitted on 5 wonderful years and may you guys have many more successful and happy years together.

Cheers... To The Next 5 Years! from AlohaServedDaily on Vimeo.

San Francisco Giants World Series bound!!!

The San Francisco Giants are going to the World Series. Defeating the Philidelphia Phillies 3-2 in game 6 of the NLCS. The Giants will be going head to head with the hottest offensive team in the Texas Rangers. However you can say that the Rangers are going up against the best pitching staff in the major leagues. Former Waikiki Beach Boy from the Hawaiian Winter League Buster Posey will be depended upon to bring his bat as well as commandere the Giants pitching staff in order for the Giants to bring San Fran it's first World Series title. Go Giants!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Trevelen Rabanal (SuperCo)

Saw this online yesterday. For those of you who don't know Trevelen Rabanal is a local braddah. I believe he's from Kahuku but I could be wrong. Trev is the owner of Superco and a member of the Soul Assassins along with Mr. Cartoon and Estevan Oriol. His roots in bike building can be traced back to his father Benji who was a custom bike builder back in the day as well and a great one at that. Always stoked to see braddahs with local ties making an impact and creating rad stuff! Not sure what this Stussy collab with Neighborhood has to do with Superco or choppers but I just thought I'd throw this up for you guys to enjoy.

Stussy x NEIGHBORHOOD - Boneyards II: Conspiracy with Trevelen from Stussy on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blvd Saimin

This one's for Nelson. He has a blog that covers the best places to
get grinds in So Cal as well as here at home in Hawaii. He wrote about
a few spots while he was back here a couple of months ago but "he wen
forget dakine"... Boulevard Saimin in Kalihi. Nelson if you're reading
this is for you. BBQ burger with small saimin complete with charsiu
and kamaboko! Check Nelson out at

Coming Soon!!!

Eighty Four Skate Co "Hawaii & Destroy", "Active Supporter", and a co-
op "Support Local" design between Blue Hawaii Surf / Eighty Four Skate
Co. / Blue Hawaii Gallery. More colors to come all on snap back mesh /
foam truckers. Perfect for our weather here in Hawaii!

Tuesday in Kalihi

Saw this Vette today in Kalihi. Looked like my dads 62' that he used
to have back in 1970. Don't see too many cherry Vettes around nowadays
especially the early year makes.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Karlson Tea Party

This was a show in Orange County that Nelson Kanno from Wahiawa curated. This is the 2nd year of the show and seemed to be pretty successful. Congrats Nelson on a well put together show! Nick how come you didn't enter your hog into this one?

COMUИE's Karlson Tea Party 2 from Corey Smith on Vimeo.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Damn Am 05

Local Braddah's invade the Volcom Damn Am circa 2005.